Sales AI for Live Conversations: Now with AI Generated Meeting Notes

Discover a powerful way to support your revenue team during every sales call with Aircover.

Our AI sales copilot identifies and addresses competitors, objections, and pain points during live sales calls, helping reps in-the-moment to win more deals.

After the call ends, the deal team gets an AI-Generated Voice of the Customer summary, summarizing the most critical parts of a sales meeting, saving reps hours of time re-listening to calls.

Increase win rates, reduce discounting, and support your sellers in every meeting with Aircover.


Want to help your reps hit their numbers?

Don't wait days for a coaching session to improve sales calls - Win more deals today with Aircover. Get started now.

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AI-Generated Voice of the Customer now available to all customers

Eliminate tedious note-taking and time-consuming follow-ups with Aircover's AI Generated Voice of the Customer.

Auto-summarizes meeting notes, action items, and suggested next steps, bringing your entire deal team up to speed in no time. Boost your team's productivity and close more deals with Aircover today.

Use AI to give your revenue team a competitive advantage in every deal

Deliver the right information at the right time

Aircover impacts every deal by equipping your reps with the latest messaging and positioning during a customer meeting. Make every deal count without wasting time re-listening to calls. Take control with proactive sales enablement.

Scalable enablement that delivers results

Don't wait three days to coach your sales team on a competitive deal that was already lost – use Aircover's just-in-time enablement to make real-time adjustments that can change the outcome of the meeting. Empower your reps to succeed in every call.

Sales productivity like you've never seen before

Aircover reduces the amount of follow-up meetings required per prospect by providing real-time assistance to the reps. Reduce action items and track the remaining ones with integrated in-meeting tools. Create urgency in every deal by equipping your reps with effective discovery relevant to every situation.

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Watch a demo and see Aircover in action

We enable reps during the most critical but underserved part of your sales funnel, when they are live with a prospect in a meeting.

How does it work?

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